Saturday, May 09, 2009

It's all the rage in Rome

A new replacement shows off some of the latest equipment.


BigRedBat said...

"One whack and all those fiddly brass hinges'll fall apart, and you'll be left standing in just your subligaria!"

Secundus said...

Tell me about it! There was this one time in Gaul......

Consul said...

Hey Secundus! Just to let you and anyone who reads this know, i've just uploaded some photos of the first figures of my new Roman Army! Feel free to take a look and let me know what you think!

Secundus said...

no problem will do.

Scutatus said...

You got it in one Bigredbat. There was a reason mail and scale never completely lost favour, even in Segmentata's heyday. With fiddly bits that could break, and being a lot harder to maintain on campaign, segmentata - for all of its benefits - did have its flaws, compared to mail or scale. No surprise then that some Legionaries (perhaps many) seemed to prefer to stick with chainmail, despite what Hollywood - and reenactors - would have us believe.

This another great character piece Simon. I love the cynical appraisal of the new fangled invention. lol