Centurion Paulus meets up with his old friends, Centurion kirkius Maximus and Centurion Barricus to cast an eye over the new recruits.

This is chart I draw up to add some extra character to the Centurions and officers with in the(WAB)Roman Campaign. It really worked and made the battles even more enjoyable. As Centurions had to earn their rank, their options on the table are advantages. However, The officers rank was often down to family connections or Political advancement, so some of their options on the table are less favourable. There's nothing like having a bad Officer in charge of your Army...It makes for a great Campaign story. After a long break the time to start up the Roman Campaign has come around again, so you may see a lot more Romans on the Blog.
Yeah, more goodness on the very same day. I couldn't be bothered with building a Roman army (yet...), because I've found them quite boring. If it was only for the centuriones, I would be in however. I've already assembled a small collection of models depicting the centurion through Roman times.
If they ever meet for a shooting, your drawings would make for a great background.
PS: Like the idea of this table. Hopefully, the full set of rules for your campaign will be made available some day.
Hopefully, the full set of rules for your campaign will be made available some day.
I hope so too, I am going to play a big Romans vs Romans battle on my Pharsalus-table and I look around for some rules ideas.
Your Roman campaign was the reason I got into wargaming so I'm very much looking forward to seeing it again!
The table is awesome and really adds character to the units and characters on the table. I think I might have to use it myself ;)
I'm just testing out my Roman campaign which only involves dice and a table of the gods on my blog so that might be of interest to you. The play test I did the other day resulted in the complete destruction of my Roman force within several turns! The rules may need some tweeking...
Heh, don't mess with Roman centurions. :)
No one messes with the roman Empire
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