Pondering Royalist, where be the Parliamentarians?
Is that a red or Orange sash though, In this light I can't really be sure. Maybe I should just shoot now and take my chances after...
I think you are pondering whether you should have another a beer or go home for dinner.
After seeing that...I´m for cromwell :-DCheersPaul
He looks like he's having second thoughts, or is just thinking do I look good in red?
Hmmm, time for tea now or later or perhaps a cavalry charge first to work up a thirst?CheersChristopher
Perhaps he's eyeing up the other clobber in Ye Olde Gardeninge Shed...
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Pondering Royalist, where be the Parliamentarians?
Is that a red or Orange sash though, In this light I can't really be sure. Maybe I should just shoot now and take my chances after...
I think you are pondering whether you should have another a beer or go home for dinner.
After seeing that...I´m for cromwell :-D
He looks like he's having second thoughts, or is just thinking do I look good in red?
Hmmm, time for tea now or later or perhaps a cavalry charge first to work up a thirst?
Perhaps he's eyeing up the other clobber in Ye Olde Gardeninge Shed...
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