I have to say I am getting very excited by the release of the new Space marine game from GW for the X box and Play Station.
I loved their Dawn of War series for the PC and so was delighted to find the the same makers (Relic) are responsible for Space Marine. I used to hate the idea of Space Orks until I watched the opening sequence for Dawn Of War, now I'm totally sold.
It's being released in August and I for one can't wait. Makes a nice change for me to be saying nice things about GW, but their figures and models are still over priced.http://youtu.be/aFHKIFDjk9I
After writting about it, I had to post a link to the opening of Dawn of War. Three or four years old now, but still a classic! It made me swollow my harsh words about GW and buy the game!http://youtu.be/UID6LEzvRRo
Looking forward to the game aswell.
I like that you have the old school 'Beakies' in your artwork. Brings back good memories of the wild and woolly Rogue Trader days...
They were the days...
It's funny, whenever I am putting together my Warlord plastic Dacians, I always remember those multi-part plastic Marines. They were ahead of their time and a classic that GW have ever after tried to emulate. But funnily enough, for me, they've never recaptured that magic of those first Mark Sixes (before they were even called Mark Sixes).
Plastic Marines? I still have mine and my old Imperial Guard. Not that they looked like the old box set when I last saw them. Everytime a new plastic edition came out a number got modified and upgraded and some new figures slipped in to the squads.
Alas for the moment they are in store until I return to Europe. I think I settled for the edition of 40k before last but will in future use Future Commander as a ruleset. Rogue Trader was the best though.
Abuja, Nigeria
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