Thursday, February 16, 2017

Black Orc Down

Some daylight shots of the Black Uruks...unlike other Orcs, these guys don't shun the yellow face in the sky.

 What is it with Elves and arrows? Lets hope they have plenty of them because these guys are coming in fast. Best not shoot anymore It will just make it worse.


Telamon said...

"Black Orc Down" - lol. :D

Nice Job!

Paul´s Bods said...

Black orc down...brilliant titel and excellent paintjobs

AJ (Allan) Wright said...

Outstanding work! They look very 'Blizard Entertainment (tm)'-esque

Engel said...

Excellent work Simon!

James said...

Nice work!
Although so far I've found Bellicose Foot to be very fragile.

The Angry Lurker said...

Great work, love the faces!

Millsy said...

Wonderful brushwork! Love the dirty, rusty look you've given them.

Secundus said...

Forgot to mention these guys will have 'shiney armour' too to give them some staying power.

harada57 said...
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