Friday, June 26, 2020

English Civil War Gun Emplacement

 Well the gunners are finally dry after their 24 hours drying and it’s time to put them to work on ‘Old Knob’. All of the gunners are from 1st Corps apart from the one in the blue hat. He is from Essex Miniatures and his smaller size makes him the perfect powder monkey.

TIP: I gave the iron and bronze a wash with Clear floor varnish to give it a slight sheen. Just a little tip but it seems to have worked well especially on the larger gun.
Almost done just a bit of flocking and some spare tools littered around should do it. The middle sized gun in the background is a Falcon from Essex Miniatures. I may paint up another heavy gun for Parliament, as they had the best equipment.

1 comment:

szeperd said...

Impressive work Sir!