I have been buying a lot of cheap trees from Amazon lately and giving myself the challenge of painting them quickly with spray paints. This is very rewarding and enjoyable, trying out slightly different colours. Some of these trees will be turned into Aspens with dots rather than stripes on the trunks.
I will also give some Autumn leaves to add some variety. These birches will come in very handy when playing the French and Indian War. By sticking them on round bases I can scatter them around homesteads etc and provide some cover for sneaky skirmishers.
Had great fun preparing these probably because they are so quick and easy to do.
Very inventive. Well done!
They look good...where on Amazon? I can´t find cheap trees anywhere.
I think they are all gone now, there were only a few left. Birch trees that is, there are plenty of other types. Type in WWS Scenics trees and you should get some.
Well done, they look good.
Sorry Try woodland scenics!
You can't beat a bit of instant spray paint gratification now and again!
Well, its impressive article, Its useful to all, thanks for this sharing for us.
This beautiful article is proved a great knowledge
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