Sunday, September 10, 2023

Fine line pens

At last the large empty house has an owner.

These fine line pens are worth picking up when you see them. They come in a range of colours and these are all very useful. The pink as it turns out is very good for adding some detail to ladies dresses.

I also used the pink to give this soldier a civilian bag. By adding patterns to the canvas bread bag they become more characterful and less military looking. Maybe a gift from home.
The blue pen was used to add some checks to this blue shirt.

These are plantation workers from 1st Corps miniatures. 

I used a red pen to dot this ladies dress. This technique would be tricky with a brush, but easy with a pen.

I bought two packs of these workers with four to a pack.

These figures were then given a coat of Army painter to seal everything. This way the pen details and patterns are locked in under the varnish and shaded at the same time.

A shot of the blue pen. This worked really well, you have to wait for the paint to be totally dry. The pens can be ruined by wet paint, something I had to learn the hard way. It's worth waiting that little bit of extra time just to be safe rather than sorry.


Codsticker said...

I have actually bought some fine pens just for that sort of thing but haven't got to using them yet. I wasn't sure how they would take paint afterwards so knowing as long as the ink has lots of time to dry it can be done is helpful.

Secundus said...

Yes sometimes water can blue them slightly. The dip is good for sealing them in. The lines are pretty tough once on though.

Pompey Dave said...

I wonder whether they would work for tartan?

Secundus said...

Yes they do! I've tested them on bed rolls to make sure.