Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Beorn picks up Thorin and takes him to safety.

Dwarven re-enforcements arrive just in the nick of time. It was so much fun to painting these guys again after a couple of years of history stuff.
Most of these are Asgard miniatures with a few Citadel figures sprinkled in.

The greenstuff came out again as I had a bit more to do on Beorn. While it was mixed up I sculpted a few more Dwarf packs.

Beorn gets some more shaggy patches, this should make him look a bit more rugged and wild.
A Dark age Irishman gets a new cloak from the spare putty laying around. This is a crude sculpt as the putty was almost dry. I did manage to get it into some kind of shape and gave it a rough material texture.

The new company was put straight to work keeping the wildlife in check.

A fallen warrior is moved to the rear.

This bear needs to be completed and move on, he is costing me a fortune in honey.

 I'm enjoying making these simple packs. Nothing too taxing but very rewarding.

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