Sunday, July 14, 2019

Flock Box Magic

 Well after using the Flock box to cover the bases in 4mm and 6mm grasses I feel like now I should go back and flock all of my recent civil war bases. Most battles were fought in Rough terrain so it kind of makes sense to have long grasses on the base. This was a bit of an after thought using the Flock box, but now I have I will be going over the Zulu force and the ACW  regiments again.

 Above a Union base with some 6mm static grass added. I didn’t have the Flock box when I started to rebase this lot so now I will have to go back and add some grassy goodness.

I normally put a selection of grass colours on the box so the tufts are a nice blend of colours, this way you can tailor your tufts to match you environment and country of conflict.

1 comment:

Phil Curran said...

Which Flock Box did you end up buying in the end?