Monday, April 24, 2023

Confederate Conmand

I figured I had enough infantry bases painted now to warrant some command. These bases are made up of various manufacturers including, Dixon, Redoubt, 1st Corps and Foundry.
I do like the 1st Corps figures, they are lovely little sets. The standards are nice and thick too and save a lot of hassle.
This Texan standardbearer has been given plastic brush brissle. It's a good size and also has the benefit of being indestructible. 

This is one of my favourite officers. He comes from Redoubt and must be from one of their ragged rebels. His clothes are tattered and ripped. I also added a few patches to this latest batch using the pen again.

This officer is from Dixon and is on the small side of things, this is easily fixed by mounting him on a piece of card.
The card will be hidden with the basing. 



Grenzer John said...

I must say that I like the shades of "Butternut" you used on some of the uniforms. There can be so many variations and I do like your's.

Secundus said...

Thanks John, I do keep an eye out for good Confederate greys and browns. Another good tip is to take a grey or brown and mix it with different shades to create slightly brown greys etc. This way you can take your four paints say and create endless tones that are are very similar. These colours will sit well together because they are all related...if you know what I mean

Aly Morrison said...

A fine collection of Secessionists….

All the best. Aly

Secundus said...

Thanks Aly. They are very addictive to do