Saturday, February 03, 2024

Grey Horse Company E

After finding out that Tom Custer asked to be on his brother's staff on the campaign, it seemed only right to put him on the command base. It also gives this hero base more of a dramatic flavour. I imagine this will be one of the last bases on the board so why not cram it full of character.
Fighting back to back the two brothers sell their lives dearly.

Company E appears on the horizon. This was quite an experienced unit compared to many others. It was Custer's vanity that put different companies on different coloured mounts, a nod to Napoleon maybe. However, this act has proved very useful after many eye witness reports refer to the grey horse company. So historians can place the movement of this unit due to its horses.

A desperate struggle begins to swirl around Cooke.

 I find it so much more rewarding to paint these companies in groups of four. That way you can really get a feeling of completion quicker. The Juicy command figures are put in the next four, so there is something to look forward to and help power you through the unit.

UPDATE: Company E completed, now forms up with Company F.

It turns out the five Companies that rode with Custer around the camp, we're mostly mounted on bay horses. This makes it a bit less fun to paint but I'm sure there's a way to make them different slightly.

The grey horse troop, some of the last survivors of the Custer's hill. A large group of them broke out and made for the river...the last few were trapped in the deep ravine at the bottom of the slope. Many eye witness accounts talk of E troop men being found in the ravine and yet no skeletal evidence was found supporting this. Maybe one day the mystery will be cleared up.

The brush bristle carbine worked out well.

I gave this unit a few pale hats to mix it up a little.
The bugalar actually looks very Hollywood, with his tan hat and yellow scarf. It had to be done I suppose, a few won't hurt 


airbornegrove26 said...

These are looking great!

Secundus said...

Thank you, I'm quite enjoying this project.