Saturday, March 23, 2024

Creating Blitzwing

I always liked Blitzwing and I had planned to build him from scratch. However, I ended up finding a mini toy from the 'Siege' range which was quite a good likeness.  I added bits of plasticard and a cannon on his back and I was pleased with the results.
Being a Triple changer, Blitzwing can turn into a jet and a tank. I have a good tank model for him already under way. It uses the same cannon so the two should work well.

This other Decepticon is a repaint of a keyring Megatron. I need to come up with a good name for him. He reminds me of a crab so perhaps Scuttle would do. It sounds shifty which is good. 

I had fun working out the tertiary colour palette so loved by the Decpticons and cartoon villains as a whole.

He might be a tad short maybe but he's still quite a chunk.What he lacks in height he makes up for in mass.

Here he is with the other triple changer, Astrotrain. I've decided to model my Astrotrain on the idea of him being huge.

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