Wednesday, June 01, 2022

Basing Prep 101.

New bases line up to get their rocks on.
For many years I looked out for the right sized gravel for basing. Then a year ago when I moved into this rented house, I found the drive was paved in 28mm gold.

Finishing touches, the Orc and Elven armour is given a lick of floor varnish to help it gleam.

Oily, greasy armour, I can smell it from here.

This is a good example of the subtle effect of the floor varnish. The armour gets its metallic sheen back and contrasts nicely with the dull flesh.

The armour shine is subtle but it does help to make it 'pop' and stand out from the other drab garments.
Weapons too look good with a floor varnish gleam.
The holy grail! The perfect gravel path to 28mm heaven. Quick fill your boots before we move out.

 The flat ones are the best!


James said...

those Ragnarok orcs are just lovely.
Well, they all are really

Secundus said...

Yes they are, I ended up buying a few packs of the armoured guys

caveadsum1471 said...

The orcs look ace, I think you can buy your gravel for about £5 for a 25kg bag that you will never finish!
Best Iain