Saturday, January 28, 2023

Confederate Skirmishers

Having a bit of a basing station set up, I thought I'd make the most of it and finish off some projects. These are skirmishers based up for Bonnie Blue Flag. I plan to use two bases per regiment. This group is enough for eight regiments. That's a couple of Brigades I reckon.

Quickly painted and then washed with Army Painter Dip. I didn't really worry too much about the paint job with an army to cover.
The Enfield rifle colours came out way. Vallejo 'New wood' is the perfect paint colour for the classic firearm.

These figures are the characterful Dixon figures.
Johnny just caught one.
These are painted using the Foundry Civil war paints, very handy for quick painting. These can be mixed with other browns to make endless variations of uniform colours.
The bramble patch gets occupied by Rebs, although they keep calling it a briar bush.


1 comment:

James said...

Yeehaw! Looking good