Friday, January 31, 2025

Magazine Interview

Well I'm very proud to announce that I have made it into Wargames illustrated. While at the 'Other Partizan' show with James Morris and the Midgard game, I was interviewed by James Griffith from the magazine.

It was all done via a face to face dictaphone recording, so I'm surprised anything could be heard over the din of the huge gaming event. However, on reading through the article it all made sense and I thought James did a grand job putting it all together.

I did mention my Blog in the chat and that too has made an appearance.  I love the scrapbook effect they have created for this page.
I was only expecting a page if that of my painting tips and figures, so was blown away to see it had made a six page article. I know the interview went on for around twenty minutes but I still wasn't expecting so many pages.
I'm really pleased with the finished article and the WI team have done a great job in laying it out.
Having this hobby blog also helped with WI able to delve in and select photos to help show what I was talking about. This was really useful for the creation of the mighty Beorn out of a couple of toys off eBay.
I kept running down the town to check if it was in the WHSmith, only to come back empty handed. However, James got in contact and offered to send me some copies which was very thoughtful and greatly appreciated. 
I hope it goes down well with the readers, if it does it could lead to more articles, you never know...

 This article is the cherry on the cake to what was an amazing weekend recreating the infamous battle. I know James Morris has shown interest in putting it on I've found a way to transport my armies safety, I'm all up for it.

Jon Hodgson background books

 Well what a great Friday for getting stuff in the mail...these two beautiful books turned up.

 I first saw these a couple of years ago used by James Morris to photograph his Middle Earth figures. I decided to follow suit and order a starter bundle.

As I was also painting up Sci-Fi figures I went for the Sci-Fi backgrounds too.

These are just quickly put together pictures with what I had on the table. However, even these quick snaps show how a good backdrop can make all the difference.
Here is the soldier I painted with my son as a learning project, now he's a Colonial Marines fighting xenomorphs.

It's always best to use some scenery as well with your figures to help blend them it. I can't wait to do some arty stuff with these books. My ancient Irish Fomorians spring to mind...
Even my Transformers got in on the act, showing a more peaceful age of Cybertron.
Til all are one.

I actually messed up big time when ordering these books. 

When I first became aware of them they were a kickstarter in 2023. I placed an order for this bundle but what I actually ordered was a license to use the backgrounds commercially. Knowing Kickstarters can take ages to arrive, I sat and waited for my phantom Kickstarter for a couple of years. After seeing them for sale on a web shop I contacted Jon. After some detective work the whole dyslexic tangle was unravelled and Jon kindly sent the actual books to me at home. A very nice man indeed. So my wait for these books has been a very long one but definitely one worth waiting for.

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Advanced Attack Tank (AAT)

The Sepretist heavy armour has arrived just in time to counter those bloody handed Jedi 
The AAT hovers into place to lay down some covering fire.

As I was constantly referring to a reference book for the colours and details, I thought it wise to complete one fully. This completed model will then be used as a guide for the others.
One of the main features of these tanks is the emense carbon scoring from the missile launchers.
There is also a subtle colour change on some of the rear panelling, This took a little paint mixing to get right.

I went around the tank with a lead pencil just picking out worn edges and panels. This tank was quite easy to paint. I started with a spray of Tamiya dark yellow. Zandri dust from GW was then used to dry brush it to bring out the panels. On top of this, I added a few washes of browns to weather it up.

The carbon scoring was done with a brush so that was a nice easy step  I also used a sponge to add from metal chipping with a silver paint.

The repulser lift vehicle out manoeuvres the slower walker. Its nice to see these two models together fully painted.


Again, the Battlefront game really helped get the detailing right on this model. Having such amazing graphics that can be rotated is a god send for a painter.

The other great news is that most vehicles from the Clones wars are on the game. This will be very handy for the speeders and other vehicles too.

Update: Three Advanced Attack Tanks hover into position.

I've given them a coat of Kleer floor varnish to give them a metal appearance.
I'll go over the smoke streaks with some Tamiya weathering soot, this will take away the gloss.

The picture above is the one I've used for reference.
It was very useful for spotting all the details like the rust streaks and battle damage.

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Clone Platoon

Another platoon of 501st join the Grand Army of the Republic. A nice tip that I discovered on this batch was to wash their visor with Nuln oil ink, It fills in the small nasal slits and looks much better. I need to go back and do the other two units now.
Flesh wash used around the sides of the helmet looks good for built up grime. Another the lead pencil is good for highlighting the visor and armour edges.
I dropped this base and all three figures snapped clean off at the ankles. The great thing about these prints is that super glue fixes them so well, it's stronger than the original. This is very reassuring for the future with lots of tank turrets etc on the to do list 

 Very quick to do and very rewarding, with each unit that gets done, new lessons are learnt and the process gets easier.

Update: jedi masters join the fight.

I tried to do a bit of sabre glow on the armour etc. This was done by using Windsor and Newton ink.

They have been mounted on 40mm bases, this will help identify them as masters amongst the other Jedi. These masters will have a high 'forcefield' trait in Xenos Rampant. This will be the masters using their sabres to deflect the laser fire.

A slight wash of green ink works quite well on some of these. Giving the blade a coat of gloss varnish helps with the light effect. The shine from the gloss produces a thin line of light in the middle of the blade, this looks very effective for a light sabre 

What's going on, this isn't right. Who's side are you on?

The ink is terribly easy to wash away with varnishing, so you have to be careful.