Sunday, January 19, 2025

15mm Clone Wars

I've been busy painting droids recently and can now field some deadly Droidekas.
I've also being painting up some tiny Clone troops. I could have made it a lot easier for myself and left them in white clone armour, but I couldn't resist making them the 501st Legion with their blue markings.

The company who makes these little men is called Slyzarbo printing and I found them on EBay. It was a chance find as I was just looking through 15mm sci-Fi figures.

I plan to use these with the Xenos Rampant rules. Rather than five men in a unit, I intend to see them as bases. 

Above is a Platoon made up of five bases. The B1 battle droids will have four figures on there bases as they are more numerous. Heavy, tougher units like B2 Super battle droids will have five bases but only two figures on a base. 

Droideka's are tough with shields, they will be made up of five figures in a unit.

Rolling into the battlefront, these formidable droids can lay down a hail of laser fire. In Xenos Rampant they will have the shield X3 rule, making them tough nuts to crack.
The new fire markers in effect!
Here are two units, five bases of Clones and five destroyer droids.
I found it much easier to stick these tiny 15mm figures to a base and spray them in place. These were then painted on the base, a trick I learnt from doing my ACW figures. They are small but I made sure I could get around each figure with a brush.

I used a 35mm round base for the Clones and B2 droids. The B1 battle droids got a 40mm round base as there were more of them.
The Droideka's bronzium armour was tricky to do. I basically painted them a copper colour but then used red ink washes to get the right colour. A bit of purple ink was used at the edges of the armour to give it the right look. Gloss varnish helps to give everything a metal look. The Clone troopers too got a gloss varnish to help finish off there shiny armour.

A base showing four B1 battle droids. In canon there were 15 droids to every Clone so I tried to replicate this in the basing.
The stones/rocks were given a wash of Contrast Gorgrunter fur along with the figure bases. This is just to settle them into the basing grit better.
The basing sand is Arid earth from Luke's APS. While the glue is still wet and the Arid stuff is been applied, I sprinkle over a second layer of Mars sand, again from Luke's APS. This just gives it off world look with a red tint to the ground.

There are a nice range of poses in the little sets of figures.
The Droideka's do sport some scratches and scrapes as they have to roll everywhere.

Two Platoons of Clone troopers.

Tiny Tufts were used to help with the scale.
Dwarf Spider droids lumber into view... 

As well as using a pencil, a black pen was also used to create blast damage on these droids.

Roger Roger...Clones Vs Clankers
Two units of Droideka's.
I used a lead pencil to scratch and add score marks on the Clone armour. These guys have seen some action already. 

In the Clone wars, new recruits were called shiny's, so that could be an option but with less carbon scoring (pencil work).

 I added some blue and purple ink onto the weapons of these droids. This is to hint at the high rate of fire these units can put down. It's a little thing, but I know it's there.

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