These were really fun to paint, I got to use various rust and weathering washes to get the right look. The Spider Droids are actually quite rusty which is a nice contrast to some of the other newer droid units.
As these droids are quite large and clumsy, I added a dust wash to their feet and legs. Just to try and create a bit of vehicle like scale to them.
I finally got the eyes right by using Tamiya clear red. This stuff is almost made for the job and the results are fantastic.
I started by painting a dark red eye, then added a white dot for the ''pupil'. This was then given a coat of clear red. It's so glossy and spot on that I didn't even want to give it a gloss varnish, just incase it changed the look. So once you've used the clear red just leave it, it's done
Kleer floor varnish was used to give the walkers a metallic sheen and off they stomped. As the eyes were perfectly shiny with the Tamiya clear I just varnished around them.
Clone commandos hold the line against the advancing Clankers.
The large gun of the Dwarf Spider droid is powerful enough to act as an anti-armour weapon, it also has another faster anti-infantry setting. This comical, waddling droid is no laughing matter when it appears on the battlefield.
Rusty panelling was achieved by using a few washes, one of which was Army painter flesh wash. This ink is very good for weathering metal.
Eye lense magic, the clear range from Tamiya.
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