Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Dwarf Spider Droids 15mm

The chances of anything coming from Mars are a million to one they said...The huge glowing optics of the Spider Droids certainly do make them look like something out of the War of the worlds.
These were really fun to paint, I got to use various rust and weathering washes to get the right look.  The Spider Droids are actually quite rusty which is a nice contrast to some of the other newer droid units.

As these droids are quite large and clumsy, I added a dust wash to their feet and legs. Just to try and create a bit of vehicle like scale to them.

I finally got the eyes right by using Tamiya clear red. This stuff is almost made for the job and the results are fantastic. 

I started by painting a dark red eye, then added a white dot for the ''pupil'. This was then given a coat of clear red. It's so glossy and spot on that I didn't even want to give it a gloss varnish, just incase it changed the look. So once you've used the clear red just leave it, it's done 

Kleer floor varnish was used to give the walkers a metallic sheen and off they stomped. As the eyes were perfectly shiny with the Tamiya clear I just varnished around them.

Clone commandos hold the line against the advancing Clankers.

The large gun of the Dwarf Spider droid is powerful enough to act as an anti-armour weapon, it also has another faster anti-infantry setting. This comical, waddling droid is no laughing matter when it appears on the battlefield.
Rusty panelling was achieved by using a few washes, one of which was Army painter flesh wash. This ink is very good for weathering metal.
Eye lense magic, the clear range from Tamiya.

Update, After showing my friend and him thinking the printed aerial was a was time for drastic action. Out came the clippers and the brush bristles.
These now look much closer to the actual droid so it was definitely worth the hassle.
I will take off a tiny amount off the aerial once the glue is dry, but not a lot.

The very scary moment I decided to make the leap and go for it. The printed figure cut nice and easy and it was also good to drill. At least the brush bristles actually look like aerials rather than chimneys.
 The fact that my old Star Wars loving buddy didn't recognise them when I sent him a picture was all I needed to get snipping.
New update; right, well that's that done. Now they are painted I think they look good. Much more accurate. The little red light on the top of the aerial really helps too.


Codsticker said...

Lookout! It's got a nose cannon!!! Definitely a very Victorian Sci-fi look about those spider robots.

Secundus said...

Yes my friend thought they were Steampunk mini's. I had to bring them back on character after that.

Ragsta said...

Really lovely results sir!