Saturday, August 15, 2020

Oathmark ideas for multi basing.

 I think this idea could work really well and keep things quite simple.
In Oathmark you get a rank bonus for every rank after the first, with a maximum of four. These ranks are very important as they can really make a huge difference in melee, giving a -1 to the difficulty number for every complete rank.. Oathmark is a game where all the figures are based separately so removing Casualties  destroys ranks and thus cuts down on the units effectiveness.
This caused me a little thought with my multi based armies, until I came up with the idea that a base of figures is basically a rank. This should really play well due to the simple visual nature of it, as in Oathmark there is a maximum of four ranks and this works well with my square bases forming blocks of four.

 In Oathmark ranks are made up of 5 figures with a leader taking the middle slot. My bases of six figures should work the same with a mini dice replacing the job of taking figures away.

There is even talk of increasing the attacks to six rather than five too match my figure count, but I’m not so sure about this. These rules would have been play tested to death, being a big release and the five attacks must have been more than just an odd number so the leader can go in the middle. I guess we could try it but it might make too much of a difference to game play.

This does mean I will have to paint up some more bases to complete units. My Goblin armies are big enough but my Dwarf army will need a few more bases now the units are about to double in size. This simple conversation has made me happy as for when it comes to basing, I like to base what I think looks the best and then work out the rules around it. This base equals rank idea is the perfect fix I think.


James said...

I've been having the same thoughts. I've also just played with fewer figures per rank (so you may only roll 4 dice )

12× figures either 5x dice with +1 rank or 4x dice with +2 for ranks.
6x elf cavalry with extra combat dice have ranks of 3 but still roll 5x dice with +1 rank.

Which is cool except when you roll like me, then it doesn't matter.

Secundus said...

No it’s always 5 dice max which is the front row basically, the ranks crew up bonuses depending on how many there are. So each side fight with 5 dice( unless you have lass than five in your front rank) then you add the bonuses for the ranks and any others to get your number you need to beat on a D10, get this number and you have a kill.