Thursday, November 24, 2022

Creating Barnacles in 28mm

I just had this idea while writing the last post, but had to wait a bit for the base to be dry. Mixing wood glue and grit should make for some nice coastal detail on the base. 

To tie everything together, I added the barnacle mix to the other seaside scenery too. 

I covered a pirate bottle with a coral mass to make it a bit more in keeping with an ancient shoreline.

I had some fun with green stuff again, blocking in corals and lumps of seaweed. No starfish this time, maybe on the next base.

I plan to dry brush this base is light Grey's to make the detail 'pop', then use various Contrast paints to add the colour. These Contrast paints should be good, as you can add patches of red and orange into the rocks for a real seaside look.

I imagine these rocks will be mostly browns with a few exotic colours popped in.


Making all these rock pools really makes me want to go to the seaside again. Arrrr the smell of it!

1 comment:

~ Tom T said...

A basing suggestion that you might to try ~ a base of white glue then add drops of super glue. (I think I used Zap Gap brand back then.) Creates interesting rough textures. There's a quick work time but you can tease it with a toothpick. Might create more turbulent water edges if you wish.