Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Tommy and Jerry settle down in their new home

It looks a little bare in the background, I'm sure a few vehicles will cure that. The funny thing about painting WWII infantry is that because of the camouflage they all blend into one and don't stand out. I have taken the longest time per figure with these lot and they are the most drab figures in the cabinet, I guess I must have got it right for once.


Alain Edbert Dizon said...

Nice spot if you have time please check out this sites it may interest and thanx...

Almost Anonymous said...


Secundus said...

Yes I'm afraid so, I even went as far as to look him up. I shall leave him here to be shamed by all...get him!

littlejohn said...

Beautiful figures!

(and the spammer...really dumb to say the least)

Consul said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Beccas said...

They are some really good looking figures. Very nice indeed.

Secundus said...

Hi Consul I can do better than that, I can post a few pages from my little black book. In it are all my notes I made along the way to getting the uniforms just right. It was a long process and the notes I made are priceless to me, I refer to them all the time. I'll post when I get a few moments to myself.

Consul said...

Thanks a lot Secundus! That would be most helpful!

I will delete my previous message to avoid spam.

BigRedBat said...

Pretty toys! Simon

Almost Anonymous said...

It's your blog, Secundus, does "" allow you to remove SPAM and other such posts?