Saturday, March 26, 2022

Resin Explosions!

Everybody needs explosions in wargames, I saw these resin ones on eBay and took a chance.
Weird things really, more like alien plants than bangs. However, I pressed on, it was a good excuse to try out my new orange Contrast paint from Games workshop. For this reason I sprayed them white, so the yellows etc would look brighter.

Can't see much yellow...
Once the orange and yellow Contrast paint was dry, I dry brushed it with grey and then pure white.

 These were done to go with my ACW armies, so I had to do a little research into shell explosions. I was really tempted to put black smoke at the top, but black powder explosions are white.

" Let's get out of here!"

I based them like I would a figure with various grits and flocks. Do they work? Well I suppose they do a little bit. My wife doesn't think so, but I can see past the alien thing.

I wanted something as tough as nails I can throw in a box when not needed. These certainly fit the bill.

ACW shell explosions. The one below is actually quite close to these resin ones.
UPDATE... I added some packing foam to add some whispy smoke to the bases The Perry's also use a similar foam for their packing and this makes great musket smoke.
This whispy foam helps to blur the edges of the explosion and make it look more realistic.

I think they look a lot more like explosions now with the extra smoke. 

These will look good with earth flying up from the blast. I will do this when I flock them. After I will cover them with hair spray to give the foam a bit of hold.


Aly Morrison said...

Interesting looking explosions…
I could certainly see them working as alien plant life or even fantastical cairns.

All the best. Aly

tsold3000 said...

yea more like alien plants or some germs becoming less than molecular.

Secundus said...

I think I will keep them for my sci-fi gaming.

Steve-the-Wargamer said...

Alien monkey nuts.. :o))