Well, here's a little something I can finally talk about after a year of secret planning. It's a Funny Old Game was Rupert's Blew coat's game this year after last year's success with 'A Bridge to Farnham'.
Keeping it squarely in the 17th Century again, this game focused on the fun that can be had with an early football game. A large heavy ball has to be carried and placed in the opposing village to score a win. Various mishaps might occur along the way, some natural, others not so much.
Both teams are made out of mobs of heavy hitters with a couple of fast moving, sly 'weasels', that can snatch the ball. The captain of the team is also a formidable opponent, with the ability to weasel and the strength to hurt a mob in combat.
After the game was created and fleshed out by Simon George, the group's rule creating machine. The next stage was to find some suitable 17th Century footballers, easier said than done!
I found a good solution was to create my own using various Dark Age plastic kits with some green stuff added to give a team vibe.
It's wasn't lost on me that wearing a big sash in a mob brawl would be a huge disadvantage, but it did give the team a colour and a way to be easily recognised on the field.
The shirtless team captain turned out to be a success, as his bare chest made him very distinctive and easy to keep track of in the game. Also, he looks like a complete animal...
I gave the 'weasels' arm bands to make them different from the mob. These were made from ECW artillerymen.
The team was created mostly from Fire Forge's medieval infantry, with a few Gripping Beast plastics in there too. A few ECW metal heads were added to give them the period look.
The day was great fun and the game proved to be a success with the members of public. It was quite a tiring weekend, as there was a que to play and the games were back to back. However, all this effort was rewarded with winning 2nd prize in the event's awards. Quite a feat considering the other amazing looking games being played around the hall.
The motley band of brothers.
The game play featured mythology as well as mobs of brutes brawling. The teams were given two cards which featured various spells and events, these could be played at any time to nobble the opponent. There's no such thing as playing fair in these rules!
The feary rings could be used to randomly transport players to another ring across the field. Only it wasn't guaranteed that you would come out as you went in. These proved to be very funny with mobs being changed into uncontrollable changelings and causing chaos.
It was nice to actually use my houses I've had for years, the first game they have ever been in.
This was our first member of the public player, after this things didn't really slow down for the whole weekend. I'll take that as a sign of a good game.
There was a lot of interest in the rules and there is a sight being set up so people can copy the rules. More on this later when I know the details.
Well done. Its good to see an innovative, fun game at the shows.
Thats a very clever idea - maybe next year, you could involve the Europeans - see here for some ideas!! https://www.mirliton.it/historical-25-28mm/renaissance/florentine-soccer-pageant
THanks for sharing a fantastic looking game, well done.
Excellent idea and looking game. When I was in the Knot years ago I thought a wargame of a reenactment battle would be fun... trying to muster your regiment out of the beer tent for the battle. and the like .
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