Monday, September 20, 2021

Napoleonic Goodness

I took a chance the other day and ordered these two books from eBay for £25. Well, I wasn’t disappointed as they are amazing. Napoleonic gaming is a mine field of uniforms that seem to change after 1812 and are a myriad of colours. These books cover all the countries involved and are a must for painters and modellers.
I know I am coming very late to this party but this post might be helpful for players new to the era. I imagine most seasoned gamers will be well aware of these tomes of goodness. 

There are lots of these books on eBay, but beware of the green coloured versions, they are written in French.

The illustrations have a nice charm to them while at the same time being very clear and informative.

There are loads of nice group shots that show the variety of uniforms for the units I had been wondering about the differences in British dragoons and Dragoon guards at Waterloo. A nice group shot answered my questions. 

At £12.50 each these big books are well worth it, also on eBay you might even get them for less.

 Yellow covers written in English, green covers are written in French… an important note to remember.


French Follower said...

The books by Liliane and Fred Funken are the first two uniform books I have owned. For half a century, my library has grown considerably, but I always refer to it because I have not found any errors. The recent reissue of these two books was great news and you made a great deal buying them.

Secundus said...

Thank you they are excellent aren’t they, a real wealth of visual information. Well worth the money.

Aly Morrison said...

These are splendid books…
I still have my copies that were bought many many years ago…
They still bring me joy when I look through them…

All the best. Aly

Rob said...

Looking forward to seeing how put these into practice.

adrian said...

I still have mine from 1979 and still enjoy perusing through them.

caveadsum1471 said...

I've got the French copies, it's not so bad, it's quite fun working out what you need to know,plus so many uniform words are French!
Best Iain