Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Holdom's Horse

It's basing day again and another Parliamentarian regiment of horse gets their marching orders.

These are mounted on 60x80mm bases.
This is a unit I repainted from an old eBay purchase. They were given a basic paint job then washed with the Army Painter strong tone stain.

They are Essex miniatures with a couple of Old Glory figs thrown in from what I can tell.
I went for a very dark colour for their armour which has been blackened to help fight rust on campaign. This should help them stand out a little from the other horse regiments.

These are based for Victory without Quarter, with a few extra figures added to build up the numbers. These Round head squadrons always look good riding knee to knee as was their way.



Codsticker said...

A handsome regiment- I really like the dark armour.

Ray Rousell said...

And very nice they look too!