Sunday, December 31, 2023

German Trencher Elites

I set out today to try and master some basic armour techniques. Rather than jump straight in with a big mech model, I thought it wise to try some things out on these smaller test subjects. They are from Alternative Armies and are old sculpts dating back probably to the early Nineties. I bought this pack recently but I do have some from the time somewhere too.

I did think these alternative space marines, with their German style armour would make great Elite infantry. 

At first I tried the chipping fluid again, but like my attempt with the tanks, it didn't work. Then I tried the other method of painting on the chips and this seemed better. I added patches of Doombull brown here and there and also added some watered down weathering fluid. The effects were much better. Right at the end I added some tiny dots from the fine tip marker, these really worked well and we're easy to do.

I was amazed at how different the colours looked under a coat of gloss floor varnish. They seemed to come to life and were much more vibrant. Above you can see the shoulder pauldron has been glossed and how different it looks compared to the rest of the model.

Light infantry and an Elite trooper in heavy armour.
These have just been coated with Kleer floor varnish, but I will give them a coat of Matt to finish them. I might select a few areas to add gloss again after the success of the gas mask lenses on the Lights.

They have an 'Aliens' vibe going on in their gloss coats. They should look a little more WWI when they are dulled down.
I used Tamiya clear green over a white paint to give an intense visor colour. It never fails and always looks good. They also do a red and orange clear paint which I must try. I have a lot of robots to do and this technique should work well for eye lenses.

Time to get in those trenches and flush out the rats.

 Maybe I could add some WWI crosses to these armoured guys to really tie them in to the era. I do love those gas mask lenses...the highlight so far.

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