Sunday, December 31, 2023

Snow in the Trenches

I decided to do something really brave tonight and add snow to the WWW models. I was terrified it would all go wrong and all my hard work would be ruined, however, it's grown on me.
I saw a video from Sonic Sledgehammer on YouTube and decided to follow his lead and add some snow. I wasn't sure at first as I really liked the plain mud, but on comparing the two, the snow bases were so much more interesting.

It also gives a nice cold theme to the collection, something that will be fun to model when it comes to the walkers and vehicles.

As I liked the mud already, I decided not to go too heavy with the snow. This way patches of mud can still come through.

It also ties nicely into the look of the figures, they are completely covered with gasmasks, trenchcoats and gloves, so look well insulated against the cold.

The officers fur lined coat makes a lot more sense now.

I'll have to keep an eye out for a snowy/muddy gaming mat, so these guys will feel at home.

The snow is from a GW pot. Something blizzard, very easy to use, I ended up going back and adding a bit more after the first layer had dried.
These heavy armoured Infantry now trudge along in muddy slush. 

 I curled up some picture wire and added it to the mud. The recently snow fall has almost covered it completely but it is there.

Below is the product from GW that I used for the bases. Recommended!


Jim Jackaman said...

That looks good. I've been meaning to do the same on some WW2 US figures but was worried it would look rubbish.

blacksmith said...

The snow looks really good and real, nice effect.
Happy New Year!