Wednesday, November 03, 2021

Green stuff Day!

I’ve finally found time to slap some green stuff on these nasty little creatures. Many of them were fine with no cracks or gaps, in which case I just gave them some hair down their backs. I wanted to make some of the tidy Dwarf torsos a bit more orcy, so animal hides and fur cloaks were added.

Quite quick sculpts really but the results are quite pleasing and should look very ‘orc’ when painted.
I pushed myself a little bit and tried to something else apart from my go to fur cloaks. I tried my hand at rough leather work, we’ll have to wait to after painting to see if these were successful.
Gundabad orcs.
I also added some simple armour to shoulders. These can be filed once dry to create hard edges to help with the armour look. I might paint some as dark leather as well.
A fun morning all in all, I have been putting it off for a week. 

My ‘troll skin’ pencil came out again to create a bit of variety in the horde.



Codsticker said...

Really nice work- the fur and raggedy cloaks came out great.

Neil said...

I’m loving you orcs.