Wednesday, May 04, 2022

Orc Assualt Column

Here are the first bases of my Assualt orcs. These were inspired by the Hobbit movie and I will use these to attack Bard and his Lakemen.
Archers rain arrows down as the pikes advance, adding to the confusion and helping in breaking up formations.
I have put six spearmen onto a base with a seventh archer crammed on to fill out the numbers. Pike armed bases always look better with a couple of extra guys packed in.

A lot of these orcs are wearing stolen Dwarf armour from the old armouries of Mt Gundabad. This will upset more than a few bearded folk and probably drive them to madness.
This has been done by using lots of left over Dwarf torsos from the Oathmark box sets.

Special weapons have been constructed to help break those cursed shield walls.



Rob said...

Fabulous - they are all unique yet at the same time the whole unit has a distinct image / look.

Secundus said...

Thanks Rob, I think the Dark tone dip really helped to tie them all together. It has an oily look when thinned down with terps which is great for orcs. It got me wanting to finish the unit now

Shaun said...
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Shaun said...

60mm wide bases?

commissarmoody said...

That is one great looking group of orc's.

Secundus said...

Yes 60mm bases with 6/7 figures on each.

Secundus said...

Thank you.

Aly Morrison said...

A great looking mob…
They contrast really well with the elves in colouring and of course in looks…

All the best. Aly