Friday, March 17, 2023

House work is a real pane!

It's time for a new lick of paint on the old house. These were painted over ten years ago and I really enjoyed painting the barns.
Once I painted the tiles I gave them a wash of brown paint to mute and blend them all together.

My top most favourite thing about painting these Hovel models is painting their windows. It's so simple, but really makes a big difference. I have a little jar with Kleer floor varnish and this stuff is great for dropping into the window panes to act as glass.

You can really see the difference between the two. The Kleer varnish really catches the light and makes the windows pop.

It's a nice touch that some of the windows are open, this creates a nice contrast with the shiny panes.

Another trick I learned from model expert Adam Savage, was to coat the odd tile in the Kleer varnish too. These tiles catch the light and add some pop to the model.
 They use this technique on starship models in films, as the camera moves over the model the light will catch the panels adding interest.

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