Wednesday, February 02, 2022

Elf and Safety

Tonight I've been making Elves again. I got to do my favourite thing as well in the form of making some Elven belt pouches.
These torsos from Fire Forge Sargents set with their scale mail make for excellent Elves.

I also had a go at some Elven cloak broaches, more leaf designs of course.

Here you can see one of the shields I plan to use for the army. It's an Elven shield from Scibor. Part of the reason I chose these is because I can dry brush them rather than worry apart painting designs. They also have a nice leaf vibe going on which ties into the army nicely.

Not quite sure what's going on here, I had too much green stuff mixed up and it had to be used. She has now become the bag lady of Esgoroth.
Also been trying out Elven leather armour.
The veteran of Dale gets a few bags for his coin. I have found a guy on eBay who 3D prints shields, I have a nice Dale shield for him lined up. There's something about the mail coif that gives him loads of character.
Now this is interesting, these are becoming my favourite torsos for Wood Elves. They are unarmoured Norman's from the plastic Conquest box. I just love the simple cut of the tunic, adds a lot of variety to my existing force. I have also ordered a sprue of Vitrix Norman's off eBay to see how they fair. 

This axe came from a Perry's Hundred years war set. The torso is from Fire Forge and Elf head from Oathmark.
I pushed the Elveness by making the hood really long. It all helps give the figures a unique personality.

Another Norman from Conquest, even the kite shield works with the Elves 

An Elven leaf pouch, very handy for small knifes, light snacks and dice.

A leaf broach, maybe too large. I must try to half the putty next time.

Gripping Beast Saxon gets an Elven twist. All of my spear arms basically come from this plastic set. Again, a long hood gives him a more Elven feel.

A herd of cowls.
I think the forest theme is coming through at last, now there's enough of them.

 Another view of the lovely shield from Scibor. I had to send away to Poland to get these, as the postage on eBay was the same as the shields.



James said...

Brilliant stuff!
You're getting pretty good at this sculpting malarkey.
Kite shields are Canon for elves.

Secundus said...

Thanks James, I've been putting the Elves off for a year or so. It's nice to be getting on with them.

Aly Morrison said...

More lovelies…
You are on a real green stuff mission here 😁

All the best. Aly