Tuesday, February 15, 2022

wood Elf Shields

After deciding to make my own leaf embossed shields, I went back and tweaked this old test model I did a few years ago. I also repainted his helmet a darker copper colour.
He now has a new shield boss to match his brothers.
This was a tricky one to work out, but I think I've reached something I'm happy with. The shield from Scibor was painted in Tamiya Dark copper. Then it was washed with red, green and brown ink. When this was dry it was dry brushed with Vallejo brass for a highlight.

The idea was to make them look like leaves in Autumn. The red ink on the bottom of the shield really helps with this.

I might try just one more highlight to make them pop. All these dry brushing layers are still a lot easier than painting decals.

I have to say getting the Scibor shields off their resin sprues is a nightmare! You have to be really careful with the clippers. Out of ten at least three lose their tops. Not wanting to waste the money I file the damaged shields to make them useful again.

The subtle greens and reds come out in the light.



Aly Morrison said...

These fellows look splendid…

All the best. Aly

~ Tom T said...

Brilliant! Thank you for sharing your impressive progressive.
~ Tom T

Rob said...

I like the elf paint scheme - I can just picture them arising from the leaf litter in a forest to spring an ambush. They would blend in so well they'd never be spotted.