Sunday, February 21, 2021

Fun with plastic Pikemen

Even though I have hundreds of pikemen I can’t resist making a few unique ones myself. When you order from Redoubt miniatures they always give you buckets of extra heads. These have always gone to waste... but not any more.
The straight ahead stare of the plastic pikemen is effective but a lot more character can be added with just a slight turn of the head.

My first attempt was on a figure I had already made up and so the pike got in the way. This was a learning curve and the next soldier was a lot easier.

Now all those spare lead heads have suddenly become very useful. Soft hats too will look great. This lead me on to start thinking about the plastic cavalry, but on looking their hair is moulded down their back. It could be done; but some green stuff might have to be broken out.

 It’s a bit of a side note, but one thing I found a bit disappointing about the fantastic box set from Warlordgames, is the fact that their are only two helmets in the sprue. There are some pretty useless hats that could of been easily swopped out with helmets. Just a couple more would make a big difference to the look of the pike block. 

Oh well, now it doesn’t bother me so much thanks to Redoubt.

1 comment:

Neil said...

Some nice mixing and matching. Well done!